Utopia Project

The end of the world was just at its beginning when the first missile dropped. One slip of a finger on the wrong button could destroy a whole city, and, in the end, it destroyed much more than that. An accident in a missile launch base caused the crash, 15 missiles launched, obliterating different major cities all across the globe. Then the war began. A dozen other countries, seeing this as an act of nuclear war, launched their own missiles. Explosion after explosion, society as we know it began to collapse, few survived. Luckily, 2 scientists on the verge of a world-changing breakthrough survived the collapse. They put their wits together and were able to invent a scientifically engineered seed that could be modified to create any plant, depending on the genetic makeup. 300 years later, the invention involved itself into a society of 6 different biomes, generations of survivors living and functioning in a new, dynamic world. A quote from Station Eleven that understands the journey these survivors had to go through to find the new society is, "We traveled so far and your friendship meant everything. It was very difficult, but there were moments of beauty" (Mandel 260).

More information on Nuclear Warfare

More information on Nuclear Warfare

The society is called Meadowville. Society will thrive via the scientifically engineered environment, which can provide all sorts of foods to the community with the right kind of farming. While each biome in the society has residential areas, they also each have farmland, in order to cultivate different kinds of crops that thrive in different climates. At the front of the government of the society is a figurehead, much like our president, but doesn't make decisions regarding the society. Rather, they address the nation and make announcements from the councils. That being said, there are 3 councils in the government: health, social, and legislative. Each of these have many subdivisions, for example, under the health council, there is a division each for agriculture, medicine, and global health. Jobs are required when a citizen turns 18, and jobs can be involved in any subdivision. Everyone contributes to keeping the society up and running, in any way they can. Children go to school starting when they are 7 until they are 18, and they begin apprenticeship to a job when they are 16. Jobs can include government, farming, marketing/vendors, medical, and many more. Living in a society so close to what our society looks like today will bring the citizens peace of mind, and the elevated environment of the new society gives people more options on how to live their lives. Even though society is secluded because of the state of the rest of the world, they find peace in the new world. A quote from Station Eleven that describes this new world for the citizens is, "What was lost in the collapse: almost everything, almost everyone, but there is still such beauty" (Mandel 56). This is an image displaying the map of the society and the different biomes.

Year 380 since the collapse:

I was so excited for today! Mom woke me up earlier than usual for school and told me that I was going to miss today. She was going to take me to the city center! It was my very first time on the railway train, and I got to see the mountains as we rode into the city! Mom told me that even before the collapse, there were real mountains here, ones that the Earth created itself. I’ve always loved the mountains, but I’d only ever seen pictures of them! Living in the flatlands is beautiful, but I always wanted to see more of the biomes. When we got to the city center, Mom took me to the Job Center. She told me she had started looking at apprenticeships and wanted to see what I would like to do when I got older. As we talked to the receptionists, only one job stuck to me. To be a farmer would be hard work, but I would get to see the whole society! I was smitten immediately!

Year 386 since the collapse:

Today, I started my apprenticeship in the farming division! Mom and Dad made me breakfast for my special day this morning, and I got on the railway train to the city center. As soon as I got there, I made it to the agriculture office and checked in at the desk, waiting for them to call my name. I was so excited, for the rest of my life I’ll be able to see all of the biomes and learn how to farm in all of them!

- An example of some of the different biomes found in Meadowville


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